WATCH: Biden Tells WEIRD New Story… What!?

President Joe Biden is attracting attention with an unusual narrative he shared regarding his grandfather.

During a campaign event, Biden said, “I remember when my great-grandfather was only the second Catholic elected statewide in the state Senate here in Pennsylvania.”

“And I remember they talked about – when they’d run against him in 1906 – they said, ‘Guess what? He’s a Molly Maguire,’” he continued. “A lot of the English owned the coal mines and what they did was they really beat the hell out of the mostly Catholic population in the mines. Not a joke.”

He went on:

“But there was a group they called the Molly Maguires. And Molly Maguires, if they found out the foreman was taking advantage of an individual, they would literally kill him. Not a joke. And they would bring his body up and put him on the doorstep of his family.”

Finally, Biden said, “Kind of crude, but I gotta admit they accused my great-grandfather of being a Molly Maguire – he wasn’t, but we were so damn disappointed. That was a joke. That was a joke.”
