Breaking: Hunter PANICS After Congressional Subpoena Goes Out

The House Oversight Committee has officially issued a congressional subpoena to telecommunications giant AT&T in order to request the phone records of Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat President Joe Biden. Investigators from the committee are specifically interested in obtaining fifteen years’ worth of Hunter Biden’s phone records.

In a formal letter addressed to AT&T, House Oversight Chairman James Comer emphasized that this request is a crucial component of the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

In the letter, Comer writes:

“The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability (Oversight Committee) is investigating whether sufficient grounds exist to draft articles of impeachment against President Biden for consideration by the full House.

“Together with the House Committee on the Judiciary (Judiciary Committee) and the House Committee on Ways and Means (collectively with the Oversight Committee, the Committees), the Committees set forth in a Sept. 27, 2023 memorandum the evidence justifying the inquiry and the scope of this impeachment investigation.

“On Dec. 13, 2023, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution directing the Committees to continue this investigation,” Comer continues.

“The Oversight Committee is subpoenaing certain records in the possession, custody, or control of AT&T that are relevant to the impeachment inquiry.

“This subpoena is being issued pursuant to my authority as Chairman of the Committee under Rule XI, clause 2(m)(1)(B) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, and Rule 12(g) of the Committee’s Rules.

“The Committee is seeking records related to AT&T customer, Mr. Robert Hunter Biden.

“As part of its investigation, the Oversight Committee has reviewed bank records of individuals and entities associated with the Biden family as well as other evidence.

“This review uncovered a pattern of financial complexity,” Comer added.

“As detailed in the Impeachment Memorandum and the Oversight Committee’s Bank Memoranda, the Biden family used corporate bank accounts of third-party associates to receive wires from foreign companies and foreign nationals.

“The Biden business associates then dispersed money to various Biden family members in incremental payments over time.”

AT&T has been issued a deadline to submit the records as stated in the subpoena. The House Judiciary Committee has requested that AT&T provide the records by March 20, 2024. In the meantime, Chairman Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee has threatened to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress for not disclosing information regarding the bureau’s interactions with social media companies concerning Hunter Biden.

Jordan has been pressing Wray to reveal the identities of FBI officials who had numerous meetings with Twitter and Facebook prior to the 2020 election. These officials allegedly cautioned social media executives about potential derogatory information on the Biden family that could be released by “Russia” before the election. Jordan claims that these warnings led the companies to mistakenly suppress a factual New York Post article in October 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which contains information about his foreign business dealings.

Despite the FBI’s knowledge of the laptop’s authenticity since November 2019, they made a deliberate decision to avoid answering direct questions from the companies about its legitimacy. Jordan has given Wray until March 25 to provide the requested information or face contempt proceedings.