Biden’s Brother CHANGES His Entire Story When Confronted

During a closed-door interview on Capitol Hill, James Biden’s public statements regarding his business activities were reportedly contradicted in private, according to a new report. Fox News, citing an anonymous source familiar with the interview, stated that James Biden, the younger brother of President Joe Biden, denied being involved in a deal with Hunter Biden and several business associates, including Rob Walker, Tony Bobulinski, and James Gilliar.

However, James Biden was later confronted with a signed agreement and admitted to having forgotten about it during the interview, as per the source disclosed to Fox. Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona, without providing specific details, described the interview with James Biden as “interesting” and claimed that he had contradicted himself.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz was quick to speak out:

“Let me say this. So there are a lot of things that Mr. Biden is saying that are directly contradicted by documents,” Gaetz said, without providing details.

The duration of the voluntary interview, which formed a crucial part of the House impeachment inquiry against the president, extended for approximately eight hours.

During his initial statement, James Biden emphasized that Joe Biden had no involvement in his business ventures and never relied on his brother’s influence throughout his professional journey.

“I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures,” James Biden said.

“Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. None,” he said.

“I have never asked my brother to take any official action on behalf of me, my business associates or anyone else,” he said, according to The Hill.

He claimed that he didn’t use his “status as Joe Biden’s brother” in business dealings.

“Those who have said or thought otherwise were either mistaken, ill-informed, or flat-out lying,” he said.

“I have nothing to hide. With my appearance here today, the Committees will have the information to conclude that the negative and destructive assumptions about me and my relationship with my brother Joe are wrong,” his opening statement concluded.

“There is no basis for this inquiry to continue,” he said.