OUTRAGE: School Permanently BANS Trump Flags

(TStarnes) – Two middle school students who were ordered to remove “Let’s Go Brandon” sweatshirts filed a lawsuit Tuesday against a Michigan school district.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which advocates for free speech and free thought, is representing the students at Tri County Middle School in Howard City, Michigan.

The suit alleges that the district engaged in viewpoint discrimination in February 2022 when an assistant principal and a teacher “ordered the boys to remove the sweatshirts” that featured a phrase critical of President Joe Biden while permitting other political attire like “gay-pride-themed hoodies.”

“Criticism of the president is core political speech protected by the First Amendment,” FIRE attorney Conor Fitzpatrick said in a statement. “Whether it’s a Biden sticker, ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ sweatshirt or Gay Pride T-shirt, schools can’t pick and choose which political beliefs students can express.”

The district and its employees “are censoring students who try to express support for former President Donald Trump or opposition to President Joe Biden,” according to the complaint, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division.

In its first lawsuit on behalf of K-12 students, FIRE seeks a “court order blocking the school district’s viewpoint-discriminatory ban on ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ apparel and a provision of its dress code banning students from wearing clothing which ‘calls undue attention’ to the student.”

According to FIRE, the incident involving the two students’ sweatshirts fits into a “pattern of political favoritism” by the school district.

“When the school district relaxed the dress code for field day, a school administrator ordered a student to stop wearing a Trump flag as a cape, but permitted other students to wear gay pride flags in the same manner,” the group said.

“The slogan exists as a way to express an anti-Biden message without using profanity,” Fitzpatrick said. “A public school district cannot censor speech just because it might cause someone to think about a swear word.”

Used by conservatives to disparage Biden since October 2021, the “Let’s Go Brandon” catchphrase originated from a NASCAR interview and is a polite stand-in for the “F*** Joe Biden” chants popular at sporting events during the coronavirus pandemic.

FIRE attorney Harrison Rosenthal said students should not be forced to censor their political beliefs.

“These students should not only be allowed to express their political beliefs but should be encouraged to do so,” Rosenthal said. “America’s students must be free to exercise their constitutional rights, not just learn about them.”


ALERT: Medical Schools Just Went Completely WOKE

(SNews) – Medical schools across America are going “woke” by dropping the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) requirements in an effort to promote “diversity.”

Colleges are dropping standardized testing in favor of holistic admission practices, a trend that has been rapidly spreading.

However, the medical watchdog group Do No Harm has warned that the “dangerous trend” will negatively impact the medical profession by “eliminating” a “standard for schools to consider when admitting students who demonstrate the aptitude to be good doctors.”

The MCAT is a multiple choice exam that determines an individual’s ability to problem solve, think critically, and understand concepts about medical studies.

So far, approximately 40 medical schools across the country have dropped the MCAT as a requirement for some applying students, according to a list compiled by Inspira Advantage.

Do No Harm alleged that dropping the requirement is another way schools aim to bolster “diversity” on campus, according to its analysis.

However, the watchdog warns that dropping the requirements is a “dangerous trend.”

“The MCAT has been shown to predict who has the best chance to be successful in medical school,” Do No Harm Program Manager Laura Morgan told the Daily Caller.

“Eliminating it removes a proven standard for schools to consider when admitting students who demonstrate the aptitude to be good doctors.”

According to its website, the MCAT is developed and administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

The association has pivoted to encouraging a holistic admission model that considers an applicant’s “experiences and attributes” alongside academic achievement and uses it as a factor in its “Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity” inventory survey.

The survey is sent out to medical schools across the country to weigh their commitment to “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) practices.

“Standardized tests are backed by evidence and can be objectively evaluated,” Morgan told the Daily Caller.

“To conduct a ‘holistic review,’ some schools are requiring their admissions committee members to take training on how to evaluate applicants based on experiences and attributes.”

Morgan added that the AAMC permits race and ethnicity to be used as an admission factor when it aligns with the school’s diversity-based mission and goals.

“It’s not adequate because it is subjective, as opposed to standardized tests which are objective metrics.”

Javarro Russell, AAMC’s senior director of admissions testing services, revealed that every “U.S. M.D.-granting medical schools require the MCAT exam” with some exception for alternative routes such as through joint BS/MD programs.

Such programs are “designed for students to transition from an undergraduate to a medical degree through an eight-year commitment, according to Inspira Advantage.

“The MCAT exam was created with the input of medical schools for their use in the admissions process,” Russell explained.

“The AAMC does not – and cannot – mandate if or how medical schools use the MCAT exam.

“Every medical school sets its own criteria for selecting the students who will contribute to its mission and successfully complete rigorous medical school curricula.”

One of the schools that does not require all applicants to submit an MCAT score is City University of New York (CUNY) School of Medicine, Do No Harm reported.

A school representative said during a seminar about STEM and medicine that students accepted into its BS/MD program do not have the MCAT “to gatekeep them from going into medical school.”

At CUNY, the program takes seven years and aims to “increase the number of physicians of African-American, Hispanic and other ethnic backgrounds who have been historically under-represented in the medical profession and whose communities have been historically underserved by primary care practitioners,” according to its website.

The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine exempted minority students from the MCAT if they complete a summer research program offered through five historically black colleges and universities.

Exempted students must have maintained a 3.6-grade point average and showcase “character, leadership, and motivation for a career in medicine.”

“Medical school admissions committees recognize that identifying and admitting students who have the potential to be good doctors requires more information than test scores, and consider the MCAT exam alongside the entire application to understand scores in context,” Russell explains.

“Medical schools carefully consider each application using holistic admissions, considering the full range of each applicant’s background and portfolio.”

Dr. Stanely Goldfarb, Do No Harm chairman, has been aware of the growing trend of schools dropping the MCAT requirement since before the launch of the watchdog group, Morgan noted.

Goldfarb argued in a 2022 Newsweek op-ed that medical schools that opt to lower admission standards to boost diversity are putting students’ careers and patient wellbeing “at risk.”

“Rather than revisit the means by which they are pursuing diversity, however, the medical elite wants to double down on their failing course,” Goldfarb wrote.

The U.S. Medical Licensing’s Step 1 exam, which is the first of three required for licensing, became pass/fail in January 2022, according to AAMC.

Changing examination practices make it more difficult to determine whether graduates are prepared for their role in the medical field, Goldfarb argued.

“People of every race and background are fully capable of becoming world-class physicians,” Goldfarb wrote.

“Medical schools should seek out the best candidates who are most likely to provide the best care for patients, regardless of what they look like or where they come from.

“Anything less jeopardizes the very purpose of these institutions.

“The medical elite may not want to admit it, but their current approach to achieving diversity has a steep cost, and it’s wrong to ask patients to pay it.”


WATCH: Megyn Kelly Goes NUCLEAR On Liberal “The View” Hosts

(SNews) – Megyn Kelly set the hosts of “The View” straight after they publicly celebrated the news that Tucker Carlson was out at Fox News. An ex-CNN media critic posted a video of the celebration with the caption:

“The studio audience at The View broke out in applause when Tucker Carlson’s ouster was announced. Then the co-hosts did a wave and led the crowd in singing “Goodbye.”

A disgusted Megyn Kelly said: “Not one of these women could solo host a show and get ratings. Not one. They are and will always be ensemble players. Their jealousy is on full display here, and ideological hatred too of course.”

Kelly later admonished Fox News on her show saying they made a terrible move. She said:

“This is a terrible move by Fox and it’s a great thing for Tucker Carlson. I don’t know what drove Fox News to make this decision and it was clearly Fox News’ decision because they’re not letting him say goodbye.

“That’s my supposition that’s not inside knowledge, but this the irony here is that how

“They get rid of Tucker… talk about misjudging your audience yet again.

“I still have great relationships many many viewers are now my fans on this show and he’s the only reason they watch, a lot of them, Tucker’s the only reason a lot of people still watch Fox News.

“I don’t know the actual circumstances but the fact that he said this on Friday night before he signed off suggests to me this was a management decision.”


BREAKING: Disney Theme Park EVACULATES As Massive Fire Breaks Out

(CBrief) – A massive fire broke out at Disneyland causing an evacuation of one of the popular rides at the famed theme park.

The fire occurred during a “Fantasmic!” performance at the Tom Sawyer Island attraction where a 45 foot tall animatronic dragon, some refer to as “Murphy” was engulfed, The New York Post reported.

Multiple videos posted on social media captured the Maleficent Dragon’s head engulfed in flames mid-performance.

A thick black smoke plume was seen rising from the location across the 100-acre theme park.

The show was abruptly stopped as guests and Disneyland cast members were rushed away from the scene as emergency personnel extinguished the fire, which was seen spreading down the body of the giant dragon.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, this performance of “Fantasmic!” cannot continue,” an announcer said. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you enjoy the rest of you evening here at Disneyland.”

In several videos posted to twitter attendees could be heard screaming as the dragon was covered in flames.


WATCH: Lori Lightfoot FINALLY Tells Truth about Chicago Crime

(SNews) – Failed Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has finally told the truth about the violence plaguing our great American cities.

Lightfoot called on other Democrat mayors to “speak the truth” on violent crime.

Speaking on a panel at the African American Mayors Association Conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Lightfoot admitted that “the criminal justice system doesn’t care about victims.”

She said residents don’t have “the courage to come forward” about crimes and Democrat mayors are too afraid to stand up to “woke” prosecutors.

“As Democrats, if we do not speak the truth about violent crime in our cities, we will be the worse for it,” she said.

“I come to this conversation as a former federal prosecutor.

“I come to this as a former defense attorney, I am the sister of a returning resident.

“But I know that there are people in my city that are wreaking havoc every day and need to be off the streets. That’s reality.

“What do we say to, not only the victims of crime, but the people who are terrified about crimes in their neighborhood, most of whom look like us.

“If we say, ‘yeah, the police department is spending all this time and resources to arrest, put a case on,’ and the judges and the prosecutors say, ‘you know what? We’re going to let you out on electronic monitoring to wreak havoc again.’

“If somebody musters the courage to come forward and identify the person who just shot up their neighborhood, and then sees Pookie walking bold as day back on the street two days later, what does that say to them?

“You’re telling them that the criminal justice system doesn’t care about victims and witnesses.

“And if we don’t call that out every single day with these prosecutors and with these judges, many of whom don’t live in our cities and don’t care about what’s happening, then we are going to lose an opportunity to advocate for the victims and the witnesses and the residents who just want and deserve peace.

“We gotta say it. We gotta say it.

“I’ve been mayor for the last four years. My time is winding down.

“ But what I saw and what I see is people in my neighborhoods who have been starved for resources.

“There are areas in my city that looked like the fires of ’68 just got put out.

“Black folks have represented those areas forever.

“Why is it? Why is it that we have taken so long for ourselves to wake up?

“If we are content with crumbs, our people will never, ever prosper.”


SHOCK REPORT: Disneyland to Host First ‘Pride Nite’ For Kids

(TStarnes) – Disneyland, the California theme park will be hosting its first-ever Pride Nite titled, “Disneyland After-Dark.” The controversial event will be held in June during Pride Month.

“Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite” will take place on June 13 and 15 at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, the location of the first theme park opened by The Walt Disney Company and the only one designed and constructed under the direct supervision of Walt Disney.

The Disney event will “celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community and allies,” according to Disneyland officials.

The events of the first-ever Pride Nite will include after-hours park access, themed entertainment, Disney characters, photo opportunities, specialty menu items, merchandise, and more.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. for guests, followed by a private event until 1 a.m. when guests will be able to ride regular attractions after the park closes.

The lineup for the evenings also includes the Pride Nite Cavalcade on Main Street featuring Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Clarabelle, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy in specially designed outfits.

Promotional material for Pride Nite shows famous children’s characters in specially-made attire, including rainbow patterns and colored hearts.

Hillary Clinton tweeted her support for Disney Tuesday.

“As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I’m on…” Clinton said.


JUST IN: Facebook Starts CENSORING Major Story

(SNews) – Social media giant Facebook is censoring reports that link Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration to last year’s sabotage attack that destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines in Europe.

The governments of multiple nations concluded in their investigations that the pipelines, that pump natural gas from Russia to Europe, were deliberately destroyed by underwater explosions.

Earlier this year, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report asserting that the pipelines were destroyed by the U.S. government as part of a covert operation.

According to Hersh, the operation was led by the Biden admin and organized with the aid of the Norwegian government, the Norwegian Secret Service, and the Navy.

However, Facebook is now censoring the story from the renowned reporter and, instead, directs users to an article by unknown “fact-checkers” that disputes Hersh’s bombshell reporting.

Journalist Michael Shellenberger first noticed the issue when he tried to post Hersh’s article on Facebook.

When Shellenberger tried to share the report with his followers, the social media giant slapped a warning label on the link.

The Facebook label warns users: “False information. Checked by independent fact-checkers.”

Yet, the so-called “fact-checkers” in question aren’t independent at all, however.

As Shellenberger notes, “Hersh is infinitely more independent than Facebook’s Norwegian fact-checker.

“The fact-checking organization is a partnership with a Norwegian government-owned media company, NRK, which has a direct self-interest in censoring the story.”

Shellenberger posted a video to Twitter to demonstrate what happens when a person tries to share the report from Hersh.

By censoring the article with a dubious “fact check,” Facebook is preventing it from reaching a much wider audience.

When an article is slapped with a “fact check,” it is covered with a warning label buried in Facebook’s News Feed algorithm.

Despite Hersh being far more qualified than the failed journalists who resort to “fact-checking” other reporters, his article is automatically overruled on Facebook by the “fact-check.”

If someone shares an article deemed “false” by Facebook’s faceless “fact checkers,” their friends and followers will likely never see it.

This is yet another example of how the “fact-checker industrial complex” serves to censor legitimate information at the behest of governments by posing as an independent, non-bias actor.

In reality, “fact checkers” are merely a front for state censorship control.

Several years ago, in defense of its “fact-checking” process, Facebook insisted that it cannot act as “the arbiter of the truth” for any contentious issue.

Nevertheless, this claim has now been proven dishonest once again.

“Whether Hersh is wrong or right, his reporting should be debated publicly, not censored,” Shellenberger asserted on Twitter.

“Facebook’s actions are antithetical to America’s tradition of free and open debate and its rejection of secretive, authoritarian censorship.

“The American people have given Facebook broad liability protections under Section 230 that other media companies don’t get.

“And yet Facebook is acting like a media company, not a platform.

“As such, Facebook is putting its Section 230 protection at risk.

“And censoring Hersh may only attract more attention to it.”


SHOCK: Liberal NYC Moves To LIMIT Meat Consumption

(SNews) – Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has revealed plans to impose restrictions on the amount of meat and dairy products the public can consume in New York City.

Adams, who is vegan, has vowed to limit public consumption of meat and dairy in an effort to fight so-called “climate change.”

According to Adams, reducing meat consumption will help NYC’s “greenhouse gas emissions.”

Adams’ plan seeks to reduce food-based gas emissions by 33 percent in the next 7 years.

“Food is the third-biggest source of cities’ emissions right after buildings and transportation,” Adams said.

“But all food is not created equal.

“The vast majority of food that is contributing to our emission crises lies in meat and dairy products.”


CBS New York reported that Adams’ office published data to support his claims that tackling public food consumption will help to save the planet.

“According to new data released by the city, 20% of the Big Apple’s greenhouse gas emissions come from food production and consumption,” the outlet reported.

“The mayor is now vowing to reduce the city’s food-based emissions at agencies by 33% in the next seven years and challenging the private sector to follow suit.”

Adams’ anti-meat and dairy agenda isn’t new, however.

The mayor has already started rolling out his agenda in the city’s public institutions.

Last year, NYC schools introduced “Meatless Mondays” and “Vegan Fridays” to force growing children into adopting a radical diet.

The move triggered a backlash from parents after reports emerged that school kids were being fed fake meat, dry bread, and mushed-up beans.

Parents complained that kids were throwing the food in the trash and eating cookies to make it through the day.


WATCH: Morgan Freeman SLAMS Black History Month

(SNews) – Hollywood veteran Morgan Freeman has blasted Black History Month in a rare new interview.

Freeman slammed the annual celebration and the term “African-American” as “insults” to black people.

The legendary actor expounded on his views about race during an interview with the Times in London,

“Two things I can say publicly that I do not like: Black History Month is an insult,” Freeman declared.

“You’re going to relegate my history to a month?”

The “Shawshank Redemption” actor continued by explaining why he views the term “African-American” as an “insult.”

“I don’t subscribe to that title,” he said.

“Black people have had different titles all the way back to the N-word, and I do not know how these things get such a grip, but everyone uses ‘African-American.’

“What does it really mean?”

Freeman said black people originate from a variety of countries across the world and not just the continent of Africa.

He reasoned that Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans are not called Euro-Americans.

Speaking of current society, “Generationally, though, I do think we’re moving ahead in leaps and bounds.”

“The change is that all people are involved now,” Freeman stated.

“Everyone. LGBTQ, Asians, black, white, interracial marriages, interracial relationships. All represented.

“You see them all on screen now and that is a huge jump.”

Freeman made similar comments about Black History Month in a classic “60 Minutes” interview from 2005.

Host Mike Wallace asked Freeman about his thoughts on Black History Month. F

Freeman quickly shot back, “Ridiculous.”

The 85-year-old Hollywood actor questioned, “You’re going to relegate my history to a month?”

Freeman queried why there isn’t a White History Month or a Jewish History Month.

He then asked Wallace if he wanted those as special months.

“No, no,” Wallace replied.

Freeman rebutted, “I don’t either.

“I don’t want a Black History Month.

“Black history is American history.”

Wallace then said, “How are we going to get rid of racism until …?”

A frustrated Freeman fired back, saying: “Stop talking about it.”

“I’m going to stop calling you a white man,” he explained.

“And I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.

“I know you as Mike Wallace.

“You know me as Morgan Freeman.

“You’re not going to say, ‘I know this white guy named Mike Wallace.’

“Hear what I’m saying?”


Freeman has not been shy to discuss race and is willing to give his honest opinion on the hot-button topic.

In 2014, Freeman silenced divisive CNN anchor Don Lemon regarding a question about race.

Lemon asked Freeman, “Do you think that race plays a part in wealth distribution today?”

Freeman fired back, “No, I don’t. You and I, we’re proof.

“Why would race have anything to do with it?

“Put your mind to what you want to do and go for that,” Freeman advised.

“It’s kind of like religion to me, it’s a good excuse for not getting there.”

Lemon claimed that he was “tired” of having to talk about race every day “because it’s in the news cycle.”

Freeman replied, “If you talk about it, it exists.”

“But making it a bigger issue than it needs to be is the problem here.”


OUTRAGE: New Chicago Mayor DDEFENDS Violent Rioters

(SNews) – Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson issued a statement in defense of the rioting teenagers involved in three nights of chaos in downtown Chicago.

Johnson, a Democrat, is refusing to blame the rioters and is calling for the city not to demonize them instead.

“It is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities,” the mayor said.

“In no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the Loop and lakefront this weekend.

“It is unacceptable and has no place in our city.

“However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.

“Our city must work together to create spaces for youth to gather safely and responsibly, under adult guidance and supervision, to ensure that every part of our city remains welcome for both residents and visitors.

“This is one aspect of my comprehensive approach to improve public safety and make Chicago livable for everyone.”

The city’s outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot also issued a statement to downplay the violence, claiming that most of the teens are just having “a good time” and want to “enjoy” the “good weather.”

“Twice in the last few days, several large groups of young people have gathered across the city,” Lightfoot said.

“Many of them were there to have a good time and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather.

“However, some of those young people were involved in reckless, disrespectful, and unlawful behavior.

“As I have said before, we as a city cannot and will not allow any of our public spaces to become a platform for criminal conduct.

“Most importantly, parents and guardians must know where their children are and be responsible for their actions. Instilling the important values of respect for people and property must begin at home.

“I appreciate the individuals and business people who have reached out to me to express concerns.

“I have shared those concerns with the acting Superintendent and senior leadership within the Police Department in very candid and productive conversations.

“CPD leadership has assured me that they will make the necessary adjustments to address these teen trends issues as we move into the summer months.

“We have invested millions of dollars to support community-based organizations to partner with youth to co-activate fun, safe spaces all over the City throughout the year.

“We ask parents to partner with us by making sure that your children’s plans are safe and that they know when to exit a situation before it becomes unsafe.”

However, despite Lightfoot’s claims, videos from the weekend show huge mobs of teens running wild in the city, not just small groups as she suggests.

Ald. Raymond Lopez said:

“Investing Million$ w/ community-based partners has been a failure because nobody holds them accountable for actually doing anything.

“From contact tracing to violence interruption, Lightfoot has only been focused on nonprofit capacity building, not metrics of outcomes for success.”


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