OUTRAGE: Biden Gives BILLIONS To New Fauci Program

(SNews) – Democrat President Joe Biden is spending $5 billion in taxpayer money on a new initiative to develop vaccines for COVID-19.

White House officials announced the effort this week in an interview with The Washington Post.

Dubbed “Project NextGen,” the new initiative seeks to expedite the development of vaccines for Covid and other emerging coronaviruses.

Project NextGen is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation and is backed by Biden’s former top health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The program will also encourage further partnerships between the public and private sectors.

According to Reuters, the project will be managed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

HHS will coordinate across various federal government agencies and private-sector actors, covering “all phases of development from lab research and clinical trials to delivery.”

“Scientists, public health experts, and politicians have called for the initiative, warning that existing therapies have steadily lost their effectiveness and that new ones are needed,” the Post reported.

The new initiative is based on a “roadmap” for the development of new Covid shots, formulated by the University of Minnesota and led by a former Biden administration official.

According to USA Today, the initial $5 billion in funding “will be financed through money saved from contracts costing less than originally estimated.”

Ashish Jha, White House coronavirus coordinator, said the new initiative has three primary goals: creating longer-lasting vaccines, accelerating the development of nasal vaccines, and bolstering efforts to create “broader” pan-coronavirus vaccines.

The project also includes funding for more durable monoclonal antibodies.

The name “Project NextGen,” made more sense, Jha said, as it is “a different time” with “a different set of goals.”

The new name “much more accurately captures what it is that we are trying to do,” he said.

Michael Osterholm, Ph.D., M.P.H., director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, is helping lead the effort.

In February, CIDRAP developed a “roadmap” for the development of “better” coronavirus vaccines.

This “roadmap” serves as the basis for Project NextGen.

Osterholm was a member of the COVID-19 advisory board convened by then-president-elect Joe Biden’s transition team.

The board was dissolved when Biden took office in January 2021.

Jha told the Post, “It’s been very clear to us that the market on this is moving very slowly.

“There’s a lot that government can do, the administration can do, to speed up those tools … for the American people.”

Previously, during a July 2022 White House coronavirus vaccine summit, Jha said:

“We need vaccines that are more durable.

“Vaccines that offer broader and longer-lasting protection.

“Vaccines that can stand up to multiple variants.

“Vaccines that can handle whatever Mother Nature throws at us.”

Osterholm characterized existing COVID-19 vaccines as “really good” but “not great.”

“There is a substantial amount of work [to be done] to take these good vaccines and hopefully achieve better vaccines,” Osterholm said.

Reuters quoted an unnamed HHS spokesperson, who stated:

“While our vaccines are still very effective at preventing serious illness and death, they are less capable of reducing infections and transmission over time.

“New variants and loss of immunity over time could continue to challenge our healthcare systems in the coming years.

“Project NextGen will accelerate and streamline the rapid development of the next generation of vaccines and treatments through public-private collaborations.

“The infusion of a $5 billion investment, at minimum, will help catalyze scientific advancement in areas that have large public health benefits for the American people, with the goal of developing safe and effective tools for the American people.”

The Post noted, however, that while the outbreak of new coronaviruses in recent decades has “spurred worries about the potential for future health crises,” it might take years to develop a universal coronavirus vaccine, noting that such efforts have been unsuccessful for influenza despite decades of efforts.

On Feb. 21, CIDRAP published its “roadmap for advancing better coronavirus vaccines” — with $1 million in support from the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, “To help jump-start the search for better vaccines [and] develop broadly protective vaccines.”

According to the project description, the funding was used to assemble “an international collaboration of 50 scientists who mapped out a strategy to make the new vaccines a reality.”

Osterholm stated at the time, “If we wait for the next event to happen before we act, it will be too late.”

Bruce Gellin, M.D., M.P.H., chief of Global Public Health Strategy at The Rockefeller Foundation, said that there is an “urgency” to take the next steps, calling for an “equivalent” to Operation Warp Speed.

According to CIDRAP, Gellin “has led several federal vaccine initiatives and has been a technical advisor for groups including Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, COVAX, and the World Health Organization.”

The Gates Foundation is a partner of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, which, in turn, closely collaborates with the ID2020 Alliance, which promoted the development of digital ID.

Microsoft is a founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, as well as Gavi, the BMGF, the World Bank, Accenture, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Fauci was one of the voices who “spent months pressing Congress for billions of dollars that could be used to develop next-generation vaccines and treatments,” the Post reported.

The report adds that these arguments “largely fell flat” in the face of Republican opposition.

Project NextGen is also still without a leader, with the White House “still considering candidates,” according to the Post.


BREAKING: Top Republican CAVES To Donald Trump

(SNews) – In a surprising announcement, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that he will not run against President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination.

After months of publicly bashing Trump, Pompeo was widely expected to throw his hat into the ring.

Pompeo served in the Trump administration as director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2017 to 2018 and as the 70th United States Secretary of State from 2018 to 2021.

He is the first person to have held both of those positions.

He was first in his class at West Point and was elected to Congress.

He set his sights on higher office after he left the Trump administration and started trashing his former boss as a way to stand out in a crowded GOP field of presidential hopefuls.

It was a risky gamble, being the only contender calling out Trump, and it seemed to have backfired because he just announced he is not running for president in 2024 in what many consider a shocker.

“Susan and I have concluded, after much consideration and prayer, that I will not present myself as a candidate to become President of the United States in the 2024 election,” he said.

“It is simplest, and most accurate, to say that this decision is personal.

“The time is not right for me and my family.

“At each stage of my public service – as a soldier, as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and then as Director the Central Intelligence Agency and as your Secretary of State – I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to advance America in a way that fit the time and the moment.

“This is not that time or that moment for me to seek elected office again.

“I can’t tell you how heartwarming and humbling it has been when strangers have told me they pray that I run to defend our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage, our families, and our country as the most exceptional in the history of civilization.

“I’ve also heard those who’ve told me ‘you’d be crazy to run.’

“To the team that’s been working alongside me to prepare for a campaign, thank you.

“Your work gave me the time and the space to seriously consider seeking the presidency and a real chance to earn the votes of Americans and to have had the chance to win.

“For now, Susan and I have concluded that we can best serve in roles we’ve been in before – as parents, Sunday school teachers, community leaders, and business leaders.

“There remains much to do and the conservative cause is worthy.

“This nation has given me more than I deserve – unimaginable opportunities.

“My duty to return that blessing to others remains and with His help I will fulfill that obligation.

“To those of you who have been praying alongside Susan and me for discernment and wisdom, thank you.

“Don’t stop praying – not only for Susan, Nick, Rachael, and me, but for America to remain as a beacon to those seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

“To those of you this announcement disappoints, my apologies.

“And to those of you this thrills, know that I’m 59 years-old.

“There remain many more opportunities for which the timing might be more fitting as presidential leadership becomes even more necessary.

“Thank you to those who have been praying alongside Susan and me for discernment and wisdom,” he said.

“And don’t stop praying – not only for Susan, Nick, Rachael and me, but for America to remain as a beacon to those seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”


VIDEO: Woke Activist ATTACKS Conservative Students

(TStarnes) – A group of Turning Point USA students were attacked by a transgender activist on the campus of the University of Washington.

The activist, a man wearing a dress and black leggings, stormed over to a table display and hurled vile insults at the conservatives.

“Get the f*** off my campus, you Nazi,” the man screamed at students. “You’re TPUSA, you dumb b**ches, whatever.”

The conservative students remained calm and filmed the rant.

The video begins with the activist mid-sentence, saying: “You just support the genocide of trans kids.”

They were stunned when the activist flipped over their table and destroyed the display.

Campus police did not make any arrests.

In recent days there has been a significant increase in the number of violent attacks committed by transgender people.

A woman who identified as a man shot and killed six people, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville. And a man who identified as a woman was arrested for plotting attacks on churches and local schools in Colorado Springs.

TPUSA staffer Rachel Anderson filmed the disturbing violence saying sarcastically it was example of the “tolerance” at the University of Washington.

But instead of being frightened off — the transgender terrorist only emboldened the conservative students.

“We’re not going anywhere and will continue to have a presence on campus,” Anderson wrote on Twitter.


JUST IN: Biden’s Press Secretary Caught In Big Lie

(SNews) – The White House was forced to issue a correction after Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre falsely claimed that Joe Biden has taken more questions from the press than former Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush combined.

Jean-Pierre made the false claim during Tuesday’s press briefing when reporters grilled her on President Biden’s lack of interaction with the media.

Biden refuses to sit for interviews and does not hold press conferences where reporters can go back and forth with him as Trump did all the time and Obama did frequently.

Reporters asked Jean-Pierre why Biden refuses to speak with the press.

Jean-Pierre responded by saying:

“The President regularly — and takes questions from the press informally — informally as well at different locations and different formats. Right before he got on Air Force One, he took about five very newsy questions for all of you, which I think was very important for all of you.

“The informal and informative Q&A that President Biden engages in the — in with the press corps is more than — more than the last three Presidents.

“If you think about the informal questions and the formal questions.

“And I told — I mentioned to all of you yesterday that we actually had some — some data to share.

“It’s more than Presidents Trump; it’s more than Obama — Obama — combined.

“And here you go. To your question, he has answered over 320 questions, and that’s not even including more — more formal press conference and interviews.

“So look, we’re going to try and — we’re going to keep — be consistent in his engagement with reporters.”

The White House was forced to replace each instance Jean-Pierre said “questions” with “question-and-answer sessions.”

In place of Jean-Pierre’s claim that Biden had taken more questions than Trump, Obama, and Bush, unnamed WH officials also added: “in the first 20 months of their presidencies.”

She tried to make the same claims during a press conference earlier but was called out by a reporter, as Slay News reported.


SHOCK: Elites Move To Permanently REPLACE All cash

(SNews) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has just unveiled its central bank digital currency (CBDC) called Unicoin.

The IMF says its CBDC is designed to replace all physical cash to become the single global digital currency used by all sovereign nations.

The organization’s own Universal Monetary Unit (UMU, aka Unicoin) was announced at the IMF’s annual Spring Meetings.

In a statement, the IMF said that UMU functions like a CBDC and is a legal, global money commodity.

The purpose of this particular iteration of a CBDC is to make sure banking regulations are enforced.

The globalized form of “digital cash” also seeks to protect “the financial integrity of the international banking system,” the IMF claims.

This currency will be used by banks via SWIFT codes and bank accounts linked to a UMU digital wallet.

The scheme is supposed to allow for digital cross-border payments modeled after SWIFT.

It promises the best wholesale exchange rates of settlement currencies and real-time settlement, “while bypassing the correspondent banking system.”

At the same time, IMF officials are describing the current cross-border payment system as slow, expensive, and risky, while declaring that UMU’s goal is not to disrupt the international monetary system.

Instead, the IMF insists the move will further “strengthen” it.

Additionally, the IMF looks set on rebranding the term “crypto.”

Crypto, or cryptocurrency, is normally associated with decentralized digital currencies that leave central banks and governments out of the equation.

“Crypto 2.0” is how the IMF would market UMU, and likely, CBCDs in general.

Meanwhile, critics of CBDCs are using strong words to express their opposition to the trend, with some calling it a path toward financial slavery that is always a handy companion to political tyranny.

More criticism has to do with CBDCs being seen as a way of introducing social credit scores and digital IDs, thus having individuals fully ceding to the government control over their own assets and/or the amount they spend.

Unlike cash and decentralized crypto, CBCDs are feared to spell the end of private financial affairs and usher in even more surveillance by the authorities.


BREAKING: Kari Lake Makes BIG Announcement

(CBrief) – Former Arizona Republican candidate for governor, Kari Lake, is thinking about her next career over and it will not be music to the ears of many Democrats. She appeared on One America News and said that she is “seriously considering” a campaign for Senate in 2024, Mediaite reported.

“I am seriously considering a run for Senate, yes absolutely,” she said. “We’re not going away. And so I am seriously considering a run for Senate.”

She spoke about her poll numbers against her perspective opponents for the job including current Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Democratic candidate Rep. Ruben Gallego.

“All the polling shows that I would win,” she said. “Not just the primary, the polling is showing that I would beat Kyrsten Sinema and this socialist guy that’s running for the Democrats, [Rep. Ruben] Gallego.”

In a three-person race Lake and Gallego continue to poll in a dead heat with Sen. Sinema in a distant 3rd place.

Sen. Sinema has apparently made a decision about whether she will run for reelection next year, and it’s not likely to sit well with her old Democratic Party.

Sinema, who declared herself an Independent late last year but continued to caucus with Democrats, is planning to run as a third-party candidate in a state that has become a new political battleground — and decidedly purple — in recent years.

A third-party campaign by Sinema could create a highly competitive three-way Senate race in Arizona, which could be a nightmare scenario for the Democrats in a crucial battleground state, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Sources familiar with the matter have revealed that Sinema and her team recently held a staff retreat in Phoenix. The group reportedly reviewed a slideshow that outlined a possible timeline for her candidacy, according to slides that were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Although Sinema has not yet announced her intentions, the materials suggest that she is taking steps towards running for re-election, the WSJ reported.

“A re-election campaign by Ms. Sinema would have significant implications for the battle for the Senate in 2024 and will test whether a senator who has spurned a traditional party identity can build enough of a centrist coalition to win,” the outlet continued.

Last year, when Sinema left the Democratic Party to become an independent, it caused doubts among political strategists about whether she would seek a second term. During her time with the Democratic Party, she often clashed with party leaders and progressive activists. However, despite her departure from the party, Sinema still caucuses with the Democrats and remains a crucial vote in their current slim majority of 51-49, the WSJ noted.

“The slides reviewed by the Journal lay out details on timing. One slide breaks down the timeline through the remainder of 2023, including getting a poll and opposition research done by Sept. 30 and getting in place campaign staff by Dec. 31,” the paper said.

“Another slide on current communications strategy emphasizes her independent streak in the Senate. Ms. Sinema has been at the center of several high-profile bipartisan deals, including on infrastructure, gun and same-sex and interracial marriage laws, while also frustrating many Democrats over her efforts to sometimes block President Biden’s agenda,” the paper continued.

The slide read, according to the WSJ: “Kyrsten is an independent voice for Arizona. As Arizona’s senior senator, she’s committed to ignoring partisan politics, shutting out the noise and delivering real results helping everyday Arizonans build better lives for themselves and their families.”

The report said that Sinema’s office would not confirm or deny details of the staff retreat. That said, the filing deadline for U.S. Senate in Arizona is April 2024.

During a series of events on Thursday, Sinema emphasized her independent identity, the outlet noted. She was awarded by the national and state farm bureaus and had a lunch with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce. She listed her achievements in Congress and criticized lawmakers she called “show horses” who appear on television shows without doing hard work.

Sinema noted that both the Democratic and Republican parties had been moving to the extremes and argued that her support for the Senate legislative filibuster, which requires 60 votes to advance most legislation, helped protect the country from major swings in policy the paper noted.

“It’s our job to keep that pressure so that we stay right in the middle of public policy, protect the critical middle part of our country,” she told attendees at the farm bureau event.


BREAKING: Stormy Daniels Gets MORE Bad News…

(CBrief) – Stormy Daniels, the adult film star at the center of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment against former President Donald Trump, has been hit with another round of bad news.

Rich Lowry, the editor-in-chief of the National Review, published an analysis detailing how “Donald Trump and his legal team say that Stormy Daniels extorted him, they are right.”

“There’s been a lot of focus on the timing of the $130,000 payment to Daniels near the end of the 2016 campaign. Trump’s pursuers say this shows how the hush money was all about making the story go away right before the election. But the timing was also a function of Daniels and her side realizing that right after the release of the Access Hollywood tape was the point of maximum leverage to make an extortionate demand,” Lowry wrote.

“Make no mistake, though, the difference between what Stormy Daniels was doing in 2016 and what gets people prosecuted for extortion is one of degree, not of kind. It takes two to tango — the women made the demands, and Trump paid up because it was worth it to him to make these stories go away. Again, he was no victim, but the women who cashed in were neither victims nor saints,” he added.

Lowry concluded his piece by arguing: “Daniels threatened Trump with exposure, got a handsome payoff to keep quiet, and ended up talking anyway. That’s pretty much a master class in how to do an extortionate demand work.”

Daniels being accused of extortion comes after the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals awarded Trump $121,962.56 in attorney fees from Daniels.

The nearly $122,00 is in addition to the roughly $500,000 that she was ordered to pay him last year.

The ruling came down as Trump was in Manhattan and pleaded not guilty to 34 charges regarding allegations that he falsified business records related to Daniels’s hush money case.

Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury in a case involving his purported role in hush money payments to Daniels ahead of the 2016 election, allegedly to keep Daniels quiet about an affair the two of them had in 2006.

The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling is separate from the Manhattan case.

Daniels made headlines again last week when she sat down for an interview with Piers Morgan, in which she said she would testify against the former president if asked. Daniels also said that even she does not think Trump should be incarcerated based on this case.

“I just finished an astonishing 90-minute interview with Stormy Daniels,” the interviewer said on Twitter. “Everyone’s had their say about her, now she tells HER story about the fling that may send President Trump to prison.”

“It’s daunting, but I look forward to it. You know what I mean? Because I have nothing to hide,” Daniels said of testifying. “I’m the only one that has been telling the truth. And, you know, it can’t shame me anymore.”

“I think having them call me in and put me on the stand legitimizes my story and who I am. And if they don’t, it almost feels like they’re hiding me,” she said.

She does not believe he deserves to be imprisoned in the hush money case, but had thoughts on other cases against him.

“I don’t think that his crimes against me are worthy of incarceration,” she said. “I feel like the other things that he has done, if he is found guilty. Absolutely.”


Top talk radio and Fox News host Mark Levin ripped into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg after Trump’s court appearance and the unsealing of Bragg’s indictment.

“There has to be an underlying crime. Well, people are saying, ‘Well, what is it?’ I’m saying, well, what underlying crime did Donald Trump commit? He didn’t commit any underlying crime, and he wasn’t charged with any underlying crime. He wasn’t charged with federal election violations, even though that’s not the jurisdiction of the D.A. There’s nothing here,” Levin said.

“But I want to get into something here. Donald Trump is a historic figure, or they would not be doing this. They would not be doing this,” Levin continued. “There would not have been a January 6 committee. There would not have been a Mueller criminal investigation. There would not have been two phony impeachments.

“Listen to this America, there would not have been a warrant, which is inexcusable and an unconstitutional warrant in my view, an FBI swat team sent to his home. There has been in the course of the last few months five grand juries controlled by Democrats,” he continued.

“Over what? You would have thought this man took money from the communist Chinese. You would have thought his son took money from the communist Chinese. You would have thought he is the criminal of this century,” Levin quipped.

“The Manhattan D.A. should be disbarred not only because of the way he campaigned – because you know what? This is crap that a pre-law student shouldn’t even put in front of a damn judge,” he railed.


VIDEO: AOC Tries To SUBVERT The Constitution

(CBrief) – Democrats have been shouting the phrases “rule of law” and “respect our institutions,” but some of them forget that when they do not get their way.

Take New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who reacted to a ruling by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk to halt the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, an abortion drug, until a lawsuit on the medication is decided.

When the representative appeared on CNN she was furious with the decision and advised the administration of President Joe Biden to “ignore” it.

“I believe that the Biden administration should ignore this ruling,” the representative said before saying “deeply partisan” judges have “engaged in unprecedented and dramatic erosion of the legitimacy of the courts.”

“The interesting thing when it comes to a ruling is that it relies on enforcement,” she said on CNN. “And it is up to the Biden administration to enforce, to choose whether or not to enforce a ruling.”

And she was not alone as Oregon Democrat Sen. Ron Wyden also advised the administration to ignore the decision.

“There is no way this decision has a basis in law. It is instead rooted in conservatives’ dangerous and undemocratic takeover of our country’s institutions,” he said. “No matter what happens in seven days, I believe the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to ignore this ruling, which is why I’m again calling on President Biden and the FDA to do just that.”

He said that the FDA, doctors and pharmacies should “go about their jobs like nothing has changed and keep mifepristone accessible to women across America.”

“A rogue Judge just suspended FDA approval of mifepristone. The Extreme MAGA Republican assault on abortion care is spreading across America like a malignant tumor. We must all speak up, show up and stand up until the far-right uprising is peacefully and democratically crushed,” House Minority Leader and New York Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries said.


WATCH: Chicago’s New Mayor Vows to Send THERAPISTS To Some 911 Calls Instead Of Cops

Chicago mayor-elect Brandon Johnson told CBS Mornings that he plans to fight crime with therapists and not more cops. The radical progressive Democrat said that the city needs to invest in other first responders like therapists and social workers. Good luck with that.

JUST IN: Liquor Stores Pull Bud Light from Shelves as Boycott Spreads

(SNews) – Beer company Anheuser-Busch has provoked a mounting backlash after partnering with transgender Dylan Mulvaney as a brand ambassador for Bud Light.

Mulvaney is a male TikTok star who dresses in women’s clothing.

In recent months, he’s become a poster child of the Democrats’ radical transgender agenda, even being invited to the White House to speak with Democrat President Joe Biden.

As part of its campaign with Mulvaney, Anheuser-Busch created packs of Bud Light that feature his image.

The cans were launched to celebrate Mulvaney spending a year living as a drag queen in public, which he calls his “365 Days of Girlhood.”

The company also shared a promotional video on social media that shows Mulvaney drinking beer in a bathtub as part of the campaign.

“Happy March Madness!!” Mulvaney said on social media alongside a video of himself.

“Just found out this had to do with sports and not just saying it’s a crazy month!

“In celebration of this sports thing @budlight is giving you the chance to win $15,000!

“Share a video with #EasyCarryContest for a chance to win!! Good luck! #budlightpartner.”

With the campaign being launched on April 1, many assumed it was an April Fool’s prank.

However, it soon became apparent that it wasn’t a joke.


As Slay News reported, music legend Kid Rock responded by sharing a video of himself shooting up several packs of Bud Light.

“F*ck Bud Light!” he declared.

Country music star Travis Tritt followed suit and announced he is boycotting Bud Light from his tour.

A top PR expert also responded by warning that Anheuser-Busch made a huge mistake by teaming up with Mulvaney.

Gareth Boyd, the marketing & PR director at Forte Analytica, says Bud Light lit its brand on fire and has lost touch with its core audience with the ad campaign.

“I really cannot understand their approach for this because their core audience just cannot relate,” Boyd said.

“Cutting your core audience in the hope you can draw a completely new audience in, who haven’t been exposed before, doesn’t make sense.

“Most U.S. families are exposed to their father drinking the beer, or other family members, but it has never been seen as the cool beer.

“In terms of what they did this year was good, with the Superbowl, but now they’ve come off the back of something really good and lit it on fire.

“Kid Rock is the poster boy for Bud Light, and for someone like him to come out and shoot cans it tells you a lot about the reaction from their core base customers.

“People pouring beer down their sink, it says quite a bit about how out of touch they have been with this campaign.

“If we had been working with them then it isn’t something that we would ever have recommended,” he said.

Now liquor stores are announcing that they have pulled Bud Light from their shelves to join the boycott.

The liquor store boycotts have been celebrated on social media and those that have pulled Bud Light seem to be attracting some high-profile new customers.


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