BREAKING: Californians SINK Newsom’s Big Plan

(JTNews) – A clear majority of California voters do not want Gov. Gavin Newsom, D, to pursue a presidential run in 2024, a recent survey has found.

Nearly 70% of registered vote opposed a Newsom presidential bid in a recent Quinnipiac University survey. Newsom has indicated previously that, should President Joe Biden opt against pursuing a second term, he would “absolutely” run himself, a prospect that has failed to find favor in his home state as just 22% of California voters supported such a bid.

“A resounding thumbs down from the home team as California voters tell the governor: if you have designs on the big job beyond Sacramento, we’re not on board,” Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy said of the results.

Newsom currently enjoys a 44% approval rating in the state while 43% of voters disapprove. In 2021, Newsom survived a recall election led by detractors who sought to boot him from office. He later secured a second term in the 2022 midterms.

Should he opt to run in 2024, a victorious Newsom would have to leave his current posting midway through his term.