Breaking: GOP Congressman EXPLODES After McCarthy’s Ousting

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) delivered a strongly-worded tirade during an interview with The Blaze after Tuesday’s unprecedented vote to vacate the Speaker’s chair and remove California Republican Kevin McCarthy. Speaking to Steve Deace, Roy refrained from explicitly naming GOP colleague Rep. Matt Gaetz but seemed to allude to the Florida Republican who initiated the motion to vacate. He also appeared to challenge Gaetz and his supporters to come to his office for a discussion.

“Some of our brothers and sisters – particularly in the, you know, MAGA camp, I think – particularly enjoy the circular firing squad,” Roy told Steve Deace of The Blaze before ripping into fellow Republicans for supposedly calling him a RINO – Republican In Name Only — after he supported McCarthy.

“You wanna come out me and call me a RINO? You can kiss my a**. Look, I’ve spent a lifetime fighting for limited government conservatism. I have laid it all on the line,” Roy continued.

“I have not seen my family for two days in the last 30 days. You go around talking your big game and you thumping your chest on Twitter? Yeah. Come to my office, come have a debate, mother,” he added.

When Deace proposed the idea of stepping back from politics due to the lack of significant progress among Republicans, Roy disagreed with that notion.

“I’m not gonna go to a nunnery, because godda**it, there were people who are buried over in Normandy [France] who deserve us to stand up for what they fought for,” Roy argued. “So that’s what I’m gonna do. And all of you f**kers out there who are out there saying what you’re saying out on social media, you stick it! I’m gonna go down to the floor and do my job, and I’m gonna stand up for the people who fought for this country.”

Roy extended an invitation to Gaetz and the seven other Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy, emphasizing that his disagreement was about the approach rather than personal animosity.

“Like, I respect what Gaetz and my four, five, six brothers are doing right now because they want to change things,” he added. “I respect friends of mine who went to the mic, who are your heroes out there, ladies and gentlemen, who are taking a different position because we’re trying to figure out how to navigate through a world in which Democrats control the Senate, the Republican conference in the Senate is garbage, the House Republican Conference has a variety of views from all over the country with 221.

“But if people wanna play this out in real-time and deal with this every single minute and every single day on social media, don’t think that that’s somehow going to change the game because what we gotta do is we have to actually define the fight,” he said.