Breaking: Jim Jordan Exposes Massive Lie

(CBrief) – The GOP House majority continues to produce evidence that the federal law enforcement apparatus appears to have been weaponized against the American people.

Earlier this month, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, revealed in a Twitter thread that “FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan appeared to make false statements under oath about the Bureau’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election,” the Daily Caller reported.

Chan assumed a pivotal role as the primary liaison between the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) and various social media platforms in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. Materials brought to light by Jordan indicate that Chan provided false testimony concerning his interactions with technology firms regarding the Hunter Biden laptop.

“Internal FB docs reveal that an FBI Special Agent made false statements in testimony about the FBI’s role in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story,” Jordan tweeted Monday.

It’s a felony to lie under oath while providing congressional testimony, according to U.S. statutes.

Laura Dehmlow, the current head of the FITF Section, stated that she and Chan organized a meeting with Facebook officials on October 14, 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop story, which had been recently broken by the New York Post. Dehmlow provided this information while testifying before Jordan’s committee in July.

When inquired about the credibility of the materials found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the FBI responded with “no comment.” Dehmlow explained that the response was given in accordance with guidance from an unnamed FBI representative during internal discussions concerning the laptop. The agency was already aware of the laptop’s legitimacy, and that it wasn’t connected to Russian propaganda before The Post’s coverage, the DC noted further.

“Did Dehmlow know that the FBI had the laptop and it was real? Yes. Did other key members of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force know? Yes. The FBI knew the laptop was real and yet decided it would say ‘no comment.’” Jordan said.

In November 2022, Chan provided his testimony as part of the Missouri vs. Biden censorship lawsuit, a case initiated by Republican Attorneys General from Missouri and Louisiana. During his testimony, Chan recalled the FITF’s interaction with Facebook and expressed his confidence in not having participated in any additional meetings with tech companies regarding the laptop.

“I was confident that I was not a party to any meeting with social media companies where Hunter Biden was discussed outside of the one incident that I told you about,” Chan said, according to his testimony.

Chan also said he was not aware of any communications between FBI agents and Facebook in regards to the Hunter Biden story under questioning from lawmakers, Jordan found.

Jordan presented an internal Facebook document indicating that Chan had a “follow-up” meeting with Facebook officials on October 15, the day after the Hunter Biden story was censored and the FBI conducted its initial meeting with the social media platform.

“The Committee has recently obtained an internal Facebook document PROVING that Agent Chan had a secret “follow up” call with Facebook about the Hunter Biden laptop story on October 15,” Jordan wrote on the “X” platform in a post containing a screengrab of the document.

“COMPLETELY FALSE,” Jordan noted in all caps in his thread.

Jordan went on to note an additional contradiction in Chan’s testimony in that Chan claimed that he possessed “no internal knowledge” of the FBI’s Hunter Biden investigation. However, internal communications produced by the Ohio Republican revealed instead that Chan had indeed told Facebook officials about the FBI’s ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.

“Chan advised that he was up to speed on the current state of the matter within the FBI and that there was no current evidence to suggest any foreign connection or direction of the leak,” a Facebook employee said on Oct. 15, 2020.