Elites Announce Plan To Replace Voters With AI

Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has advocated for the exclusion of the general public from election processes, proposing the potential replacement of voters with artificial intelligence (AI). This concerning proposition was put forth by Schwab during an interview with Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, as they delved into the topic of “digital technologies,” including AI, and their potential to further the WEF’s objectives.

“So technology now, and digital technology, mainly have an analytical power,” Schwab said as Brin nodded along obediently.

“Now, we go into predictive power and we have seen the first examples.

“Your company is very much involved in it,” Schwab said of Google.

Schwab then continued by laying out his globalist vision for “the next step” for digital technology.

“But then the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict.

“And afterward, you can say, why do we need elections?

“Because we know what the result will be.”