NYC Charges Delivery Driver For Defending Himself From Illegal Migrant

An Amazon delivery driver in New York City was arrested by the police after he had to defend himself from a lewd attack by a drunk, naked illegal immigrant who attempted to steal packages from his van.

According to reports from the police and the New York Post, the intoxicated foreign criminal exposed himself and tried to rob the driver. The driver, who goes by the name Abu, was making a delivery in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, around 4:45 p.m. on Sunday when the incident occurred.

The illegal border crosser was seen holding a beer bottle and engaging in inappropriate behavior on the street. The altercation happened close to 9 Hall Street, a shelter funded by taxpayers where the 26-year-old migrant, identified as Yeison Sanchez, resides.

Abu instructed Sanchez to cease his actions, which led to the situation escalating. The confrontation culminated in the Amazon worker striking the migrant on the head with a snowball.

“I was unloading my stuff, and a guy – he was like a pervert, he had his penis out,” Abu told the Post on Monday.

“He’s in the corner of the street j—ing off and I told him, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’

“And he went into my van where all my mail and everything was at, and I pushed him away, and he ran towards me like he was going to aggressively hit me.”

Abu mentioned that he proceeded to grab a chunk of ice from the ground and utilized it to strike the trespassing illegal immigrant, ensuring his own safety.

“I picked up a piece and I socked him with it and he went down on his butt,” said Abu.

Abu noticed the presence of police officers nearby and requested their assistance. Despite the police responding to the situation, Abu stated that he was charged with third-degree assault. According to the Post, he was subsequently released on a desk appearance ticket. The police reported that Sanchez sustained swelling and bruising on his face.

“[Sanchez] was telling [the police] in Spanish that I punched him in the face,” Abu told the Post.

“I told them there’s cameras around, you can probably find something.

“They said there were no cameras.

“After a while, it turned into a ‘He said, she said’ thing and that’s how it went.”

The charge against the Amazon worker was confirmed by the NYPD in an official statement. Additionally, Sanchez faced charges of petit larceny, public lewdness, and consuming alcohol in public. He was released without bail on Monday, as reported by the Post. Abu claimed he was merely defending himself and did not wish to suffer the same fate as a colleague who was attacked in the Bronx recently.

“He was trying to aggressively hurt me and I just protected myself and my property from my job,” Abu maintained.

“That’s it. I ended up being taken in, and now I have an open case about this … It’s ridiculous.”

“I didn’t want to lose my job,” he said.

“I did things the right way, by the books, and I wound up going to jail.”