Teacher Has Students Declare Themselves “Free” From Their Own Parents

The students at Gorham High School in Maine were given a unique assignment recently. Their social studies teacher instructed them to compose a fresh Declaration of Independence, as it seems the one crafted by our esteemed Founding Fathers may not adequately address the complexities of our evolving society.

“Now is your chance to officially declare yourself independent from something… anything! Think of something that is problematic for you in your life. Free yourself from whatever is causing you stress, making you unhappy, something with which you struggle or is difficult for you to deal with,” the assignment read.

Shawn McBreairty, an advocate for educational freedom, initially presented the lesson.

“This exercise teaches nothing but further narcissism,” he said. “Another ‘teacher’ who is nothing but a taxpayer paid activist for the far-left democrats. Pull your kids now.”

The students were instructed to assert their independence from various afflictions, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and even their own parents.

In another lesson, the students were guided to explore their political identity and confront any unconscious biases they may have.

The teacher’s biases are anything but unconscious, as they are now on full display for the entire nation to witness.

Fox News conducted a thorough review of a public record request, which revealed a significant amount of leftist bias in the teacher’s assignments.

The teacher emphasized to the students that they should not allow themselves to be controlled and should resist any form of authority.

It appears that the teacher in Gorham, Maine has transformed her classroom into a recruitment hub for Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

This particular teacher, whose identity we have chosen not to disclose, perfectly fits the definition of a serial groomer. The initial step involves persuading a child to distance themselves from their parents and instilling seeds of mistrust.