Top Dem THREATENS Supreme Court

It seems that Democrats only advocate for respecting institutions that align with their agenda, as evidenced by their lack of respect for the conservative majority Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer has made a concerning promise regarding his Party’s potential actions after the elections.

“The Supreme Court has become a morass, both ethically and substantively,” he said to NBC News. “We’re going to look at everything. There are lots of proposals.”

The Senate Majority Leader stated that should his Party gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, significant alterations to the court would be implemented.

“Without the support of Republicans, Democrats’ plans to implement an enforceable ethics code mandating justices disclose all gifts and financial contributions, as well as strict rules for recusing themselves from cases, are almost impossible to implement,” The Washington Examiner reported.

“Schumer said Democrats also plan to pursue President Joe Biden’s stated goal of instituting 18-year term limits for justices, as well as an end to ‘forum shopping,’ a practice in which litigants choose to have their cases heard before friendly judges in specific divisions,” the report said.

“The majority leader introduced a bill on Thursday called the ‘No Kings Act’ to roll back the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling. If successful, this would mean that a president would not be immune from prosecution for ‘official acts,’” it said.

The Majority Leader of the Senate displayed his displeasure at the conservative nature of the court, suggesting that he would not have approved if the Democrats held a 6-3 majority.

On Monday, Republicans expressed their disapproval of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s long-term plan to reform the Supreme Court, arguing that it serves to politicize the judicial system.

“President Biden and I are calling on Congress to pass important reforms – from imposing term limits for Justices’ active service, to requiring Justices to comply with binding ethics rules just like every other federal judge. These popular reforms will help to restore confidence in the Court, strengthen our democracy, and ensure no one is above the law,” Harris said in a statement.

“The proposals include an 18-year term limit and requirements that justices disclose gifts, avoid political activity, and recuse themselves over conflicts of interest. They also pitched a constitutional amendment that would rescind the Supreme Court’s July finding that presidents have presumed immunity for the core functions of their office,” the New York Post reported.