Top Doctor Reveals How Bad Biden’s Health REALLY Is

During an interview this week, a doctor raised a remarkable assertion regarding President Joe Biden, a statement that could have profound implications for both the Democratic Party and the White House.

Dr. Carole Lieberman, a well-known figure who has appeared on prominent platforms like Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Fox News, and CNN, conveyed her message on the Real America’s Voice streaming network. She emphasized that voters should not solely fixate on President Biden’s age, given that he is currently 80 years old and would reach 82 on Inauguration Day if reelected next year.

She stated “talk about Biden being too old to run, which isn’t really the case.”

“It’s not about his being too old,” she said, according to The Western Journal. “There are people a lot older who have their marbles and are very intelligent and know history and are able to know how to put this country in a good direction.

“So it’s not age. … It’s about his competency,” Lieberman continued. “If he took the test that I was offering him — this mini-mental status test, or some other kind of test of competency — there’s no way he would pass.”

Lieberman was discussing a mini-mental state exam, which is described as “an 11-question assessment evaluating five cognitive functions: orientation, registration, attention and calculation, recall, and language,” according to information from the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing.

This unofficial assessment coincides with a perception held by tens of millions of Americans that Biden’s mental state and cognitive abilities are deteriorating.

In numerous surveys conducted over the past year or more, a significant majority of voters have consistently expressed their doubts about President Biden’s mental fitness for serving another term.

One of the most recent surveys was conducted by the Harvard Harris Poll in August, revealing that while former President Trump maintains strong popularity among Republican candidates, Biden faces a growing perception that he may not be mentally fit to hold the office of commander-in-chief.

In a late July poll, only 32 percent of respondents believed that Biden was mentally fit to serve as President, with a substantial 68 percent expressing concerns about his cognitive abilities.

These poll results suggest that the issue of Biden’s mental fitness could have a potential impact on the 2024 Presidential Election. Despite Biden’s overall approval rating hovering around 40 percent, his mental acuity might be a decisive factor for undecided voters. Analysts have noted that addressing these concerns proactively is crucial for Democrats if they aim to secure a second term for Biden.