WATCH: Chilling Video Comes Out on Palestinian Convoy

According to the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Ministry of Health, on Thursday, a minimum of 20 Palestinians lost their lives and more than 150 sustained injuries due to the actions of Israeli forces. The incident occurred in Gaza City as a large number of individuals had gathered to receive humanitarian assistance.

Witnesses, as reported by Al Jazeera, claimed that Israeli forces utilized helicopters, tanks, and drones to target the thousands of people waiting near food trucks. In response, Hamas took to Facebook and accused Israel of harboring undisclosed motives to carry out another devastating massacre. The situation even drew the attention of U.S. lawmakers.

However, as is frequently the case throughout the conflict between Israel and Hamas, an alternative narrative surfaced to challenge the dissemination of propaganda.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) also stated that the gunmen continued firing shots as the aid trucks entered the corridor, resulting in Gazans looting the trucks. Amidst the chaos, the IDF reported that several civilians were tragically run over by the trucks.

As reported by The Times of Israel, the IDF has accused Hamas of engaging in a deliberate “smear campaign” against Israel, with the intention of inciting violence in other areas. This is not the first, nor the second time, that Israeli forces have been hastily blamed for an attack on Palestinian civilians.

Just last month, Hamas claimed that over 100 Palestinians were killed by IDF soldiers near another convoy of aid trucks destined for the region, as reported by Reuters. United Nations “experts” condemned what they referred to as a “massacre,” accusing Israel of deliberately targeting civilians who were seeking humanitarian aid and assistance.

However, IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari refuted this narrative, stating after a thorough review that most of the casualties were a result of a stampede that occurred as the crowds rushed towards the aid trucks. One of the most well-known instances of debunked Israeli attacks occurred just 10 days after the Oct. 7 massacre, in which 1,200 Israelis were brutally killed by Hamas terrorists.

When Hamas claimed that Israel had bombed a hospital in Gaza, journalists immediately reported it as fact, and left-wing politicians echoed the claim. However, this was soon disproven by Israeli and U.S. sources, who stated that the damage was likely caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

The Palestinians, particularly the children, are the unfortunate victims of the cloud of lies and propaganda. It is astonishing that the Western world goes to great lengths to assist Ukraine, yet many Westerners, especially leftists, show no interest in supporting Israel. The continued control of Gaza by Hamas results in the exploitation of Palestinian civilians as mere tools to manipulate global opinion against Israel.

This terrorist organization has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to prioritize propaganda victories over the well-being of the very people it claims to represent. Despite the challenges posed by the conflict, eliminating this harmful influence is the sole route towards achieving genuine peace and security in the region.