Watch: JD Vance SLAMS ABC Reporter During Tense Interview

On Sunday, Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio responded to ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl’s assertion that Vice President Kamala Harris was never designated as the “border czar.” Vance participated in several interviews that day, where he criticized Harris for her lack of engagement in interviews or press conferences since President Joe Biden announced the termination of his reelection campaign on July 21. During his exchange with Karl, Vance referenced former President Donald Trump’s commitment to deporting millions of undocumented immigrants and labeled Harris as the “border czar.”

“You know she’s not actually — she wasn’t the border czar, was she?” Karl asked.

“Oh, that was what the media called her, she assumed the title,” Vance said. “She had control over a lot of our border policy at a time when they were suspending deportations, let me finish, John, the time they were suspending deportations, they stopped Donald Trump’s remain in Mexico policy, and they re-instituted catch and release,” Vance responded, cutting off Karl’s attempt to interrupt him. “They basically threw open the gates of our country and now we have a ton of fentanyl, a ton of people suffering, and a ton of Americans—” Vance stated.
