Watch: Jesse Watters SNAPS On Liberal Co-Host

Fox News host Jesse Watters strongly reacted when his co-host, Jessica Tarlov, suggested that a $200,000 check issued by Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, on March 1, 2018, wasn’t definitive evidence linking him to international business activities.

The program featured a segment where the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, expressed conservative concerns about potential business dealings involving Hunter Biden’s father and other family members. Johnson also hinted at the possibility of House Republicans subpoenaing Hunter Biden to testify on these allegations.

“Jessica and her ilk for years have said, ‘Well, you don’t have money going directly into Joe Biden’s bank account.’ All right, so now we have a check for $200,000 from one company through the brother to Joe’s bank account,” Watters began.

“Ok, you still say that that’s not from overseas. That was a loan. Ok, ok. What happens if the next check originates somewhere really bad, Jessica? And I mean really bad. And it goes through Hunter or James, and it goes directly into Joe Biden’s checking account? Is that your smoking gun? Is that your smoking gun, Jessica? Because, as you said, that was a smoking gun if money went from overseas directly into Joe Biden’s bank account. If a check comes out at some point from that avenue, is that a smoking gun?” Watters asked as tensions began to rise.

“Ok, so two things —” Tarlov began before Watters immediately shot back, “Yes or no?”

“No,” Tarlov said.

“It’s not? Woah, woah, woah. Jessica! For a year, you said, ‘The money never hit his bank account.’ What if I have a check that hits his bank account that comes from overseas? Is that not a smoking gun?” Watters asked.

Tarlov then tried to get a word in edgewise as Watters continued sounding off.

“Someone help me out,” she pleaded with her co-hosts as Watters continued to interrupt. “Ok, if, uh, uh, uh, Ok —”

“Is he in elected office, and did he do something about it? So, that check, that 2018 check, was when he was not doing anything except hanging around, and there was an explanation for it. So if you get a check, then you can connect that to an action that he took,” Tarlov said.

“Oh, no, not to an action that he took! That was just an action that he took. Because before you said none of the money from overseas went into his checking account—” Watters began before Tarlov jumped in and said, “That’s not true!”

“So now it’s an action?” Watters demanded.

“You are yelling, and there’s no reason for it,” Tarlov complained.

“There’s a reason,” Watters continued. “I was promised a smoking gun, and if I deliver a smoking gun you have to admit that gun was smoking.”


Recently appointed House Speaker Mike Johnson implied that committees under GOP control might issue subpoenas to require the testimony of Hunter Biden, the first son, as part of their ongoing investigations into his and his father’s questionable foreign business involvements.

Maria Bartiromo of Fox News interviewed Johnson and inquired about the potential issuance of subpoenas to Hunter Biden.

“I’m looking at that. I think that desperate times call for desperate measures, and perhaps that is overdue,” he said.

Johnson mentioned his background as an attorney and revealed that he’s in active discussions with congressional legal experts, emphasizing that a final decision regarding this issue hasn’t been reached yet.

“We’re trying to move forward on some of this very aggressively,” Johnson told Bartiromo [see video below]. “I think the American people are owed these answers. And I think our suspicions about all this and the evidence that we have gathered so far, as you know, are affirming what many of us feared may be the worst.”