WATCH: Liberal Comedian TEARS Biden To Shreds

Bill Maher, a comedian and political commentator, ridiculed President Joe Biden on Friday for his decision to engage in a debate with former President Donald Trump. Maher humorously suggested that viewers will be eagerly observing the event for any signs of vitality from the current president.

In a recent development, Trump and Biden have both consented to partake in two televised debates. The first debate is scheduled for June 27 on CNN, followed by another on Sept. 10 on ABC News. Maher, during his “Real Time” show, expressed his belief that Biden is the one who has a greater burden of proof in this debate.

“Trump is a known commodity,” Maher said. “They know he’s going to be an asshole. He’s going to be barking, and growling, and not obeying the rules and everything else.”

“But Biden, they want to see proof of life,” Maher continued.

Maher further emphasized the observation that presidential debates are conventionally scheduled for October, preceding the general election, rather than during the summer. He specifically noted that the June 27th date fell before the Democratic National Convention. In terms of the debate format, Biden initiated discussions by suggesting that they be conducted in a television studio, devoid of a live audience.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,” Biden said Wednesday. “Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal, I’ll even do it twice.”
