WATCH: Pro-Lifers ATTACKED During March for Life

A transgender activist, aged 42, was apprehended following an occurrence in which a pro-life March for Life was disturbed on Wednesday. According to the New York Post, Noah Cleveland has been charged with disorderly conduct by the Capitol Police. The Post mentioned that it remains uncertain whether Cleveland has been arraigned for the offense. A video of the incident in Richmond, Virginia, depicts an individual carrying a transgender flag rushing towards the participants of the anti-abortion march.

Savanna Deretich, the Government Affairs Coordinator for Students for Life Action, uploaded a video of the occurrence on the internet, alleging that the individual involved had been associated with comparable incidents previously.

“He came rushing forward, chanting something, and I knew he was going to attack so I pulled out my phone to record it,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.

“He sprinted up to our people, knocked the glasses off people’s heads, dashed through our march sign, and kept running,” she said, adding that the individual she saw was later arrested.