WATCH: Top Dem Caught In Blatant Lie On Live TV

Kellyanne Conway, a former official in the Trump administration, charged a Democratic guest with dishonesty regarding the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion during a Fox News segment on Sunday night. Minnesota’s Democratic Governor Tim Walz has endorsed state legislation that permits abortion at any point during pregnancy. In contrast, Democratic strategist Jose Aristimuno asserted that Democrats do not advocate for abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

“She’s talked about the whole issue with some liberals in New York, I know Republicans love to remind people, no, Democrats want to make sure that — Democrats want women to get an abortion until nine months. That’s not true,” Aristimuno claimed after Fox News host Trey Gowdy asked what restrictions on abortion Vice President Kamala Harris supports. “It’s only through the first trimester. Most Democrats and most Americans would agree —”

A poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal in October 2023 revealed that 77% of Democrats supported the right of a woman to obtain an abortion for any reason.

In response to Aristimumo’s assertion that Democrats were open to imposing restrictions as early as eight weeks into a pregnancy, Conway stated, “That’s not true.”

“What’s the law? I’m sorry, I can’t have you lying when I’m sitting on the set,” Conway said. “What is the law in California and New York? Do you know what the law is in California and New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Colorado? It is not 8 or 12 weeks, sir.”
