WATCH: Top Dem Trots Out Total HOAX

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) continues to perpetuate the Democrats’ debunked false narratives regarding the January 6, 2021 protests on Capitol Hill.

As the crucial November elections approach, Democrats persist in spreading lies about the alleged “insurrection,” despite it fading from the majority of Americans’ memories almost four years later. While President Joe Biden struggles with pressing issues like immigration and the economy, Democrats cling to their narrative.

In a display of desperation, Booker went on MSNBC to react to President Donald Trump’s recent return to Washington, D.C. During the MSNBC appearance, Booker misleadingly likened Trump’s return to a criminal “returning to the scene of the crime,” sparking significant criticism.

Booker labeled Trump’s return as “painful” in a dramatic fashion. He then spouted off many of the familiar buzzwords about the “sacred” citadel of “our democracy” being raided in an alleged “coup.”

The senator displayed his party’s nonchalant approach to the facts by reiterating the completely untrue statement that “multiple” police officers were killed on Jan. 6.

“The world’s most deliberative body, in a sacred civic space, had to be chased out, literally running for their lives to avoid a mob that was chanting murderous chants,” he said.

“It ultimately led to the deaths of multiple police officers.”
