WATCH: Trump Shares Humiliating 12-Second Biden Clip

Many of us have viewed the Visiting Angels advertisements, featuring elderly individuals expressing their concerns about being unable to remain in their homes, until they received assistance from the company’s home care nurses.

“Visiting Angels — America’s Choice in Home Care,” the jingle says.

However, when these seven words from a popular advertisement were incorporated into a video featuring President Joe Biden, it transformed from a somber jingle into a comical 12-second assault advertisement. The footage originated from an occasion on Thursday at a golf course in Saginaw, Michigan, where Biden braved the rain while two individuals, referred to as “handlers,” hastily escorted him away from journalists, as reported by The Midwesterner News. As he made his departure, the 81-year-old president narrowly avoided being struck in the face by the door.

The remixed video, crafted by MAGADevilDog, a pro-Trump meme-maker, presents the same content but incorporates the Visiting Angels jingle and logo. Consequently, it closely resembles a scenario where elderly individuals, disoriented and reliant on their caregivers, are being guided into a building. Upon reflection, this accurately portrays the intended message of the video.

Former President Donald Trump shared the video on Truth Social without providing any commentary, as the video effectively conveys its message on its own.