Watch: NFL Legend Teams Up With Tucker Carlson

Aaron Rodgers discussed vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, government corruption, and more in an extensive interview with Tucker Carlson that was published on Tuesday. The New York Jets quarterback also mentioned being considered as a potential running mate for Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s presidential campaign earlier this year during the over two-hour interview.

Although he was not ultimately selected to run alongside the independent candidate, Rodgers continues to show his support. He also expressed that he would not dismiss the idea of running for a political position. During the interview on Carlson’s show on X, the two delved into various topics, including what Rodgers described as collusion among major corporations, the government, and even large entities like the NFL.


The ex-league MVP stated that the ultimate goal for all of the aforementioned is financial gain.

“I think you have to realize that it’s all about the money, and as you get into this, you read [Robert Kennedy’s] book about the real Anthony Fauci, you realize if you want to know what’s going on — not just in Big Pharma but in government — is follow the money,” Rodgers said.

The COVID vaccine skeptic, known for his candidness, further asserted that his own league imposed mandatory vaccinations on players to appease prominent pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. Rodgers pointed out to Carlson that companies such as Pfizer heavily sponsored a significant portion of the media’s coverage on the COVID pandemic, which he perceived as a potential conflict of interest.

“Even in the NFL, I mean there was a strong push,” he said about compelled vaccinations. “They sent stooges out to every team to try and enforce a vaccination level above 90 percent on every team with zero exemption, with zero informed consent.”


In addition, he criticized ABC host Jimmy Kimmel and actor Sean Penn, who both made derogatory remarks about individuals who opted not to receive COVID vaccinations throughout the pandemic. Furthermore, the former Super Bowl champion did not hold back in expressing his disapproval towards President Joe Biden.
