Biden’s White House Launches New Attack On Christians

As part of the annual Easter Egg Roll, the Biden Administration extended an invitation to the children of National Guard families to participate in a competition by submitting their artwork.

“Children of National Guard families across the United States are encouraged to submit artwork inspired by the theme ‘Celebrating our Military Families.’ Children should depict on an egg template a snapshot of their life – a favorite activity, scenery in your state, your military family, a day-in-your life,” read a pamphlet promoting the contest.

The triumphant submissions will be showcased in the East Colonnade of the White House. Nevertheless, the guidelines for submissions strictly forbid the inclusion of any religious symbols or themes, despite the fact that the victorious egg designs will be exhibited during both Easter and Passover.

“The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes,” the White House stated.

Mike Berry, the general counsel at First Liberty Institute, expressed his astonishment at the prohibition of religious Easter Egg designs, which explicitly includes the exclusion of crosses or any reference to the name of Jesus.

“The Biden Administration is so scared of religion that they won’t even allow children to submit Easter Egg artwork that celebrates the actual reason for Easter, which happens to be one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar,” Berry said.

The White House Easter Egg Roll would essentially be a poultry-focused event if it weren’t for the resurrection of Jesus. President Biden’s ability to create such a significant blunder during Easter is truly remarkable.