Just In: Hunter Biden In BIG Trouble…

During Hunter Biden’s gun trial, FBI agent Erika Jensen testified on Wednesday that there was no tampering with Hunter Biden’s laptop. This testimony contradicts the claims made by Hunter’s associates that the laptop’s data was hacked or manipulated. Hunter’s forensics expert, Denver Riggleman, also stated during a CNN appearance in 2023 that the data in the “public sphere” from the infamous “Laptop from Hell” had no connection to the actual laptop.

Essentially, Hunter’s defense team implied that the laptop, or at least a portion of it, was not genuine. Court reporters stated that when asked by the prosecution if she had seen any evidence of tampering with the laptop data, Jensen replied with a firm “No.” It is important to note that the data obtained from Hunter’s iCloud account was acquired through a search warrant issued by Apple.

Hunter’s attorney asked: “Did you find out if any of the files had been tampered with,” he asked Jensen.

“I did not,” she replied.

Jensen verified the legitimacy of Hunter’s well-known laptop on Tuesday. The Department of Justice validated that the laptop belonged to Hunter after discovering that he had left it at a computer store and that the data on it matched what authorities had obtained through a search warrant of Hunter’s iCloud. Following the publication of the laptop story by the New York Post in 2020, CNN journalist Natasha Bertrand authored the now infamous and discredited Politico article, which relied on “dozens of former intelligence officials” to promote a false and deceptive narrative about the origins of Hunter’s laptop.